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HOW DOES AIRBRUSH TANNING WORK?All tanning products contain an ingredient called dihydroxyacetone, DHA for short. In our solutions, this ingredient is a sugar derived from beets. Yay veggies! DHA reacts with the amino acids on the top layer of skin to create a tanned appearance. The intensity of color depends on the percentage of DHA in each solution. We offer 6 different solutions to help us customize to each individual! The tan color fades as the skin cells exfoliate off. In rare cases, DHA can cause a contact dermatitis reaction, leaving your skin red and itchy. When you sign our first time client form, we ask if you have any allergies related to DHA. If you’ve ever had any sort of other spray tan or applied self tanner and haven’t experienced a reaction, you’re good to go!
WHAT IS THE PROCESS LIKE?Click here to take a look at a video detailing the Honeykissed experience and to view a step-by-step list on how it works.
YOU COME TO MY HOME? WHERE DO WE SET UP?We recommend a room that has tile or hardwood floors so that all equipment is able to lay flat. We’ll need a space large enough to accommodate a 4x4x7 foot tent and an outlet nearby. That’s it!
WILL I TURN THE DREADED “O-WORD”?Ugh, we despise that word. Never! We take pride in offering a range of top-of-the-line, all-natural, hypoallergenic solutions to ensure we can meet anyone’s desired color depth and tone. At the beginning of each appointment, we’ll give you a professional consultation to help determine color level.
HOW DO I SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT?The quickest and easiest way to schedule an appointment is by clicking the “Book Now” button at the top of the page. You may also call, text, or email. However, due to our mobile nature and high volume of appointments, we spend all of our business hours either in someone’s home or driving. We don’t text and drive and we also like to be considerate of time of day, so please understand it may take a few hours to get back to you! You can schedule online anytime from 6 months to 24 hours out. If you seek any last minute or afterhours appointments, please give us a call!
HOW MANY DAYS BEFORE MY EVENT SHOULD I SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT?We suggest sometime in the 1-3 day window before your event in order to ensure the best tan appearance!
WHO CAN SCHEDULE A TAN?Whomever! Any people under the age of 18 will have to have a parent/guardian present to sign paperwork.
HOW LONG DOES AN APPOINTMENT TAKE?An individual appointment takes approximately 20 minutes from start to finish, including setup and tear down. When you schedule online, you’ll notice that it blocks out an hour window. Don’t be alarmed! As stated above, the appointment only takes 20 minutes. This additional time is built-in travel time due to our mobile nature!
HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO WAIT TO SHOWER AFTER THE APPOINTMENT?Good news! All of our solutions are rapid solutions, meaning you only have to wait a maximum of 5 hours before you shower. If you’re in a pinch, we can make that window as short as 2 hours.
HOW LONG DOES A HONEYKISSED TAN LAST?Our tans last an average of 5-10 days before any significant fading, with most people noticing fading after a week. Because we wash our hands and face more often than other parts of our body, the tan will fade quicker on those areas. Following aftercare instructions and using our Gradual Tan Extender lotion will prolong the life of your tan.
HOW OFTEN CAN I TAN?It’s best to let the past tan completely fade before applying more. There should be no need for you to tan more than once per week.
WILL I SMELL OR FEEL STICKY AFTERWARDS?Our solutions are made with such high quality ingredients that there’s no odor! Our solutions are made with aloe, which does feel slightly sticky on the skin for 15-20 minutes after the appointment. We describe it as feeling like you’ve been outside on a humid Indiana day and have yet to shower. Spray tans create a chemical reaction with your skin. Unfortunately, in rare cases, that completed reaction mixes with your body chemistry and does produce an odor around sweat glands after your initial shower. If you’ve ever experienced that in the past, be sure to let us know! We have an easy fix.
WILL THE SPRAY TAN STAIN MY CLOTHES, SHEETS, OR ANY OTHER FABRIC?"Our solutions contain cosmetic bronzers, meaning you’ll see immediate color with every pass. The bronzer can transfer to clothes or sheets before that initial shower. We recommend wearing dark, loose clothing immediately after your spray. Any bronzers you notice come off on your clothes or sheets does wash out in the washing machine. There are no artificial colors in our solutions, and DHA only reacts with skin so no stains!
WHAT DO I WEAR DURING THE TAN?Whatever you are comfortable with! Women can go completely nude or wear any amount of clothing they choose. We offer disposable thongs and disposable strapless bras if you prefer to wear those. When selecting what to wear, it’s important to think about what tan lines would be present after your tan. If you’re wearing a backless, strapless dress to an event, you wouldn’t want a bra tan line showing! Men have to wear some sort of undergarment of their choosing.
DO YOU SPRAY TAN MY FACE?We do! All of our spray tans are full body. We completely customize the tan to your needs. If you would prefer to not have your face tan, just let us know.
CAN I GET A SPRAY TAN WITH A SUNBURN?If you have a serious sunburn, we advise you to reschedule your appointment. If the sunburn peels after your appointment, the results of your tan will be less than ideal. If the burn is located in one area, we can try to avoid it.
CAN I SPRAY TAN WHILE PREGNANT?Absolutely! We spray many mamas-to-be and encourage you to do anything that makes you feel glamourous during those long 9 months! Our solution is a top-of-the-line, all-natural, hypoallergenic solution with 7 simple ingredients that are all plant based. Super green, super simple. If you’re nervous about booking an appointment, we suggest asking your OB as we aren’t medical professionals. However, we can tell you that not one OB has said no! We also offer extra safety precautions, such as nose filters, if you prefer.
WHAT ABOUT BREASTFEEDING?Yep, that too! After your initial shower, you’re free to go about breastfeeding and pumping as normal. Luckily, our solutions have a max processing time of 5 hours! If you’re unable to wait to feed or pump for 5 hours after your appointment, we’ll need to cover the area and we have multiple ways we can do that!
WHEN SHOULD I GET MY NAILS DONE?It’s best to schedule any manicures or pedicures before your appointment. Our solution contains no artificial colors, meaning it won’t stain your nails. We also instruct you on where to place barrier cream and give your nails a good wipe after the spray. Manicures aren’t a huge deal afterwards, but a pedicure will take the tan off quicker around the bottom half of your legs. The general act of soaking in water removes your spray tan, so it’s best to avoid it.
I’M GETTING MARRIED. SHOULD I BOOK A TRIAL AND WILL IT COME OFF/STAIN MY DRESS?We recommend brides book a trial no later than 2 weeks before their big day, in order to determine a specific color level for the big day! Our method of application and simple solutions ensure that there virtually no risk of color transfer on your big day when coupled with proper aftercare.
HOW DO YOU TAKE PAYMENT?Cash, check, card, Zelle, PayPal or Venmo. Gratuity is not required, but greatly appreciated.
WHAT’S YOUR CANCELLATION POLICY?Please click here to visit our policies page for a detailed list.
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